Pastor’s Blog

912 of 14 items

Bucket List for 2013… Already?!


I believe most people  have a written (or unwritten) list of things they would like to do in their lifetime.  This list is often called a Bucket List.  One of the items on my Bucket List has been to read the entire Bible.  For years I tried, but found my self getting confused or even […]

Are You a Closet Christian?


Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Coming out of the closet”?  It is often associated with sharing something that makes you “you”, and you have not shared it with other people around you. I saw this video called Closet Christianity by Jarrid Wilson the other day.  I was challenged by it’s message on how you can […]

Election Night – Someone Will Win


Tonight, two men’s life will change.  During this election cycle for the presidential election, President Obama and Governor Romney have been vying  to be the president for the next four years. During the last six months, and even before during the republican primary, we have heard all that is right and wrong about our nation […]

Who Should I Vote For?


This comes up every four years for the Presidential election… “As a Christian, who should I vote for?“  Because of my position as a Pastor of a church, I am not allowed to tell you on behalf of our church who to vote for.  So I will not tell you my opinion, unless you want me […]


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