Someone asked me a question recently about raising kids in a way that would help them to embrace God and remain with God into their adult years.  It is not only how we live our faith that influences our children (which I addressed in my last blog post), but also how we  intentionally  help our kids develop their faith in God.  Just as kids are taught about following basic moral rules (i.e. speak nicely to others, don’t hit others, etc…), so they need to be taught about living spiritual lives as well.  Certainly belonging to and actively participating in a community of faith (church) will help, but if you want to really help foster spiritual depth then you have to provide some teaching at home too.

Spiritual Family TimeStart by reading to them from a children’s bible when they are young to help them to know the character of God and basic stories of how God spoke to people in bible days.  While reading, we asked questions about how the characters responded or didn’t respond to God.  We did this at night before bedtime and it was a great time for us and the kids.  Then we would pray after reading… “Now I lay  me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep…” and then added at the end simple prayer requests for other people in our lives.

Other regular opportunities to bring God into your day is simply thanking God for your food when sitting down to eat.  It is an easy habit to get into, but it is a powerful reminder to kids that we are dependent upon God for our everyday needs.  One thing I loved to do after cleaning and bandaging a scraped knee or a boo-boo is praying for healing.   I would put my hand on their wound and say, “God, please help heal their boo-boo, amen.”  It is a simple thing to do, but reminded them that God is concerned about all of their hurts in life too.

Music can also have a big influence in our lives… singing to God is not just reserved for Sunday mornings.   Listening/singing to contemporary Christian music is important throughout the week to help keep their eyes on God.  Music today sometimes points kids to ungodly or immoral behavior and beliefs and calls them good.  Bottom line, most children are influenced by what they listen to.  TV is the same… be careful what they watch because it will influence them.  


Finally, the Bible says to talk about God as you go about your daily tasks in life.  Point out the beauty in nature (plants, animals, earth and stars) and say to your child, “Wow, God created a neat place for us to live.”   When something goes well or even when it doesn’t, thank God with your child. Helping them to live in thankfulness sure beats living a life of  joylessness or bitterness, especially when life isn’t going according to plan. Taking responsibility for their actions and suffering the consequences is sometimes hard to watch as a parent, but best learned early in life.

 Focus On The Family  has a great website to help understand about child spiritual development and other basic “how to’s” of raising kids.  It is a great challenge parents have to not only raise a child to become independent and self-sufficient, but one who is in a vital relationship with God.

Remember, every little bit you do helps your children learn about and live for God, which will stay with them into adulthood.  When the preacher asks your children about their parents faith, you can be assured they will answer with a sureness that one day when they leave this world, they will see you again.  Seeking God earnestly, serving God fully, loving God daily and living a life of thankfulness to God with your family will richly bless you, your children and generations of family to come!