March 10, 2013 @ 8:45 am – 9:30 am
Pastor Paul Gruenberg
810-360-3722 (Cell)

The Adult Sunday School will be discussing the History Channel’s miniseries, The Bible, during March. The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.

The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.

Week OneThe Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.

Week TwoThe Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.

Week ThreeThe Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.

Week FourThe Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.

Week FiveThe Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.

Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!