Members of the Choir, Master’s Minstrels and Praise Band will end the 2013-2013 year by gathering at the Red Cedar Grill, in Williamston, at 6:30 p.m. for dinner, fun and fellowship.
Come and help our Youth Group as they build a float for the Annual Hartland Memorial Day Parade at the home of Bill and Gina Palmer, Hacker Road, Howell.

Join us each Sunday in June as we learn what Jesus taught His disciples to use as a model for prayer.
Come ready to learn.
Come ready to grow.
Come ready to pray.
If you missed a sermon, or to listen again, click here.
Join us as we celebrate the Ten Year Anniversary of Armstrong Hall and the Double Blessings Campaign. If you will be joining us, please bring a dish to pass, your table service and a beverage.
Our next mission opportunity at the Cass Community in Detroit is Saturday, July 26th. We will
be working in the kitchen from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Please continue to pray for the people we serve
there. Come and join us! See Sue LaRoy or Jo Campbell with any questions.
Sue LaRoy
This workshop will help us learn to design meaningful worship services with the help of Dr. Marcia McFee. Please let Darcie Westbrook know if you will be attending.
Come and join your Church Family at the Rally Sunday All Church Breakfast served by our United Methodist Men. Breakfast will be served from 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. After breakfast, plan on staying for the start of our new sermon series “The Story” at 10:00 a.n. and Children’s Sunday School at 10:20 a.m.
We don’t want to miss you! We are creating a new Pictorial Directory and it will not be complete with out you in it. You can go online, sign up on Sunday morning, or call the church office to set up your time!
We don’t want to miss you! We are creating a new pictorial directory and it will not be complete without you. You can go online, sign up on Sunday after worship or call the church office to set up your appointment.
If you are a high schooler, in college, just out of college or twenty something and looking for something to do instead of just hanging out? If so, come and check out the new Young Adults group. Pizza will be furnised and we will make plans for the upcoming year.
C.R.O.P. Walks are held all across the United States to raise money for the Church World Service to provide food, medical care, disaster relief and self-help development efforts for people across the world. 25% of the money raised in our walk is given to local agencies in Livingston County: Love, INC; Salvation Army and Gleaner’s Food Bank.
Join us at this fun event at the Secluded Celebrations Tea Room. Sign up soon – 12 maximum at a gathering
Bring your tools and come up clean our church and property for the upcoming winter months.
Join us for a time of merriment and scary good fun. We will gather at 3:00 p.m. for games, food and hayride through the Village of Hartland. Costumes are not required, but desired.
Our next opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. Sign –up sheets will be on the bulletin board soon for food and for volunteers to help serve.
Come join in Hartland UMC’s new monthly event. This group is for folks over 50 and would like to get together to play cards, games, visit and enjoy some snacks! Invite your friends and neighbors to join you!
All ladies of Hartland UMC are invited to join together as the 2014 Secret Angels reveal themselves. We will meet at the home of Marty Hansen for an evening of fellowship, good food and fun! If you will be attending, please R.S.V.P. to Marty.
All Sunday School children and Youth Group students are invited to participate in this year’s Christmas pageant on Sunday, December 21, during our Worship Service.
We are looking for innovative ways to incorporate music as well as technology. If you are interested in sitting in on a practice or looking at a script to assist in this way please let us know.
Come join together with other Christians to prepare for the Lenten Season. Beginning with Ash Wednesday, the Lenten Season is a time of self reflection on who we are in light of our need for a Savior.
Come on this spiritual journey at Hardy United Methodist Church, Wednesday, February 18, at 7:00 p.m.
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
2015 marks the 30th year of this bowl-a-thon in Livingston County, and Big Brothers Big Sisters needs your help again. 100% of the money raised by bowlers goes directly toward supporting matches and kids served by Big Brothers Big Sisters. Teams are formed with five members; each bowler is asked to bring a minimum of $60.00 in pledges.
Please sign up on the bulletin board to be a part of this fun event.
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website: