This will be a luncheon meeting – please bring your lunch and we’ll eat while we work.
Ann Arbor Districtpalooza 3 being held at the Chelsea Retirement Community, 805 W. Middle Street, Chelsea.
Come see if you can keep up with them!
Great Music and Snacks. No agenda, just fun!
We will be focusing on ideas for upcoming sermon series. Bring your lunch and we will work while we eat.

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland
The Ann Arbor United Methodist Women’s Mission Team will meet in Armstrong Hall.

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland
Work on Whatever Girl’s Night Out. Bring your current craft project or come and help make items to sell at our December Cookie Walk. Bring a snack to share and enjoy some time just for you!
Please come and lend a hand as we ready our building and property for our Memorial Day and spring visitors. Bring your work tools – shovels, rakes, shrub trimmers, etc.
Join us for a time of merriment and scary good fun. We will gather at 3:00 p.m. for games, food and hayride through the Village of Hartland. Costumes are not required, but desired.
The Hartland United Methodist Men will meet on the third Sunday of each month, at 8:00 a.m., for the monthly breakfast meeting. At this meeting they will be planning for the 2013 events.
All men and friends of Hartland United Methodist Church are invited to join in this time of good fellowship and good food while serving their church.
All ladies of Hartland UMC are invited to join together as the 2014 Secret Angels reveal themselves. We will meet at the home of Marty Hansen for an evening of fellowship, good food and fun! If you will be attending, please R.S.V.P. to Marty.
All women are invited to join us. The Hartland UMW is a group of ladies who serve their church and community through service projects.
All women are invited to join us. The Hartland UMW is a group of ladies who serve their church and community through service projects.
The Hartland United Methodist Men invite you to join them for the All Church Christmas Breakfast. Come enjoy a time of fellowship and singing of Christmas carols with your church family before the Children’s Christmas Pageant!
The Hartland United Methodist Men will meet on the third Sunday of each month, at 8:00 a.m., for the monthly breakfast meeting. At this meeting they will be planning for the 2013 events.
All men and friends of Hartland United Methodist Church are invited to join in this time of good fellowship and good food while serving their church.
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Join us for breakfast, served by the United Methodist Men. Everyone is welcome!
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website:
The Hartland United Methodist Church Praise Band will present an outdoor concert (weather permitting) on the church lawn prior to the Memorial Day Parade. Come and be energized with the word of God set to music!
Weekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop 383.
For more information, please visit Troop 383’s website: