The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Our sanctuary will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. so that you may come and pray for as long you would like throughout the day. You may stay for as long as you would like. We will have prayer guides available for you to use.
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, June 22nd. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.

Help the Hartland United Methodist Church Youth support Juan for the next year. Juan is a boy from Guatemala that we have been supporting for the past five years. The money that we send through Compassion International provides food, clothing, books and Christian Education for Juan, his parents, grandparents, and three siblings. We also send birthday and Christmas presents.
Menu includes: Pasta with three sauces, bread sticks, salad, and homemade chocolate chip cookies.
- Adults $10
- Children under 10 years $5
- or sponsor Juan for a month for $36
Date: June 30th lunch served at 11:15 or join us for worship service at 10:00
We look forward to serving you!
No reservations are necessary, but you can help us plan by letting us that you plan to attend and how many will be in your party using the RSVP link below. Thank you!
Ann Arbor Districtpalooza 3 being held at the Chelsea Retirement Community, 805 W. Middle Street, Chelsea.
Come see if you can keep up with them!
Great Music and Snacks. No agenda, just fun!
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
Are you ready to take the next step in your faith journey – by joining the Hartland United Methodist Church? If so, please talk to Pastor Paul and plan to attend this informative class. New members will be received on Sunday, September 8th.
Join us as we begin a 40 day Church Wide Study to find the answers to the most basic questions in life everyone faces: “What am I here for?” and “What is my purpose?” To answer, says Rick Warren (author of The Purpose Driven Life), the starting place must be with God and His eternal purposes for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth. Starting Saturday, September 7th, we will have a special kick off t our 40 day Purpose Driven Life campaign beginning with Dogs and 3 more D’s. 6:00 p.m. – Hot Dogs, Dips for chips and desert for dinner. 6:30 p.m. – a message from Rich Warren to begin our 40 day journey to understanding our purpose. We will be using Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Driven Life” as our guide through this 40 day journey of discovery.

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland
The Ann Arbor United Methodist Women’s Mission Team will meet in Armstrong Hall.

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland

A Financial Success Story and Class For You
A six week study at H&R Block of Hartland beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
We are passionate about helping people win with their money God’s way!
Based on the book by Joseph Sangl.
Helping people accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances. The best chance for people to take the necessary steps to maximize their financial resources is to study and apply home financial management information together as a group.
Key Lessons Include:
- Develop a spending plan that actually works
- Strategies for eliminating debt
- The date they will become debt-free
- Amount of money needed for retirement
- The power of compound interest
- Investing & Insurance
Professional Financial People will lead these group studies that will also include many free handouts to help you accomplish your financial goals. There is a $20 onetime cost for the book and workbook, I Was Broke Now I’m Not, by Joseph Sangl
Put on by The Hartland United Methodist Church and H&R Block of Hartland
Soul Shift
The measure of a life transformed
Church-wide study beginning February 23
Do you sometimes find it hard to make changes in your life for God? No matter where you are in your spiritual life, you can make shifts to help you continue to transform your life. God continues to help you become the New Creation, but this cannot be done without your participation.
Our Lenten church wide study will follow the book Soul Shift: The measure of a life transformed, by Steve DeNeff and David Drury. Small groups will be formed for deeper study and supporting fellowship as we seek to order our lives after the example of Jesus. If you want to be more like Christ, then you must enter into intentional introspection and seek those shifts in your life which bring about lasting change.
Max Lucado writes, “SoulShift guides believers to a deeper walk with God, reveals the power and richness of the transformed spirit, and show practical ways to move our souls into alignment with our heavenly Father.”
Books will be available.
Click here to catch up on SoulShift sermons you’ve missed or to listen to them again.
Soul Shift
The measure of a life transformed
Church-wide study beginning February 23
Do you sometimes find it hard to make changes in your life for God? No matter where you are in your spiritual life, you can make shifts to help you continue to transform your life. God continues to help you become the New Creation, but this cannot be done without your participation.
Our Lenten church wide study will follow the book Soul Shift: The measure of a life transformed, by Steve DeNeff and David Drury. Small groups will be formed for deeper study and supporting fellowship as we seek to order our lives after the example of Jesus. If you want to be more like Christ, then you must enter into intentional introspection and seek those shifts in your life which bring about lasting change.
Max Lucado writes, “SoulShift guides believers to a deeper walk with God, reveals the power and richness of the transformed spirit, and show practical ways to move our souls into alignment with our heavenly Father.”
Books will be available.
Click here to catch up on SoulShift sermons you’ve missed or to listen to them again.
Soul Shift
The measure of a life transformed
Church-wide study beginning February 23
Do you sometimes find it hard to make changes in your life for God? No matter where you are in your spiritual life, you can make shifts to help you continue to transform your life. God continues to help you become the New Creation, but this cannot be done without your participation.
Our Lenten church wide study will follow the book Soul Shift: The measure of a life transformed, by Steve DeNeff and David Drury. Small groups will be formed for deeper study and supporting fellowship as we seek to order our lives after the example of Jesus. If you want to be more like Christ, then you must enter into intentional introspection and seek those shifts in your life which bring about lasting change.
Max Lucado writes, “SoulShift guides believers to a deeper walk with God, reveals the power and richness of the transformed spirit, and show practical ways to move our souls into alignment with our heavenly Father.”
Books will be available.
Click here to catch up on SoulShift sermons you’ve missed or to listen to them again.
Soul Shift
The measure of a life transformed
Church-wide study beginning February 23
Do you sometimes find it hard to make changes in your life for God? No matter where you are in your spiritual life, you can make shifts to help you continue to transform your life. God continues to help you become the New Creation, but this cannot be done without your participation.
Our Lenten church wide study will follow the book Soul Shift: The measure of a life transformed, by Steve DeNeff and David Drury. Small groups will be formed for deeper study and supporting fellowship as we seek to order our lives after the example of Jesus. If you want to be more like Christ, then you must enter into intentional introspection and seek those shifts in your life which bring about lasting change.
Max Lucado writes, “SoulShift guides believers to a deeper walk with God, reveals the power and richness of the transformed spirit, and show practical ways to move our souls into alignment with our heavenly Father.”
Books will be available.
Click here to catch up on SoulShift sermons you’ve missed or to listen to them again.
Work on Whatever Girl’s Night Out. Bring your current craft project or come and help make items to sell at our December Cookie Walk. Bring a snack to share and enjoy some time just for you!
Soul Shift
The measure of a life transformed
Church-wide study beginning February 23
Do you sometimes find it hard to make changes in your life for God? No matter where you are in your spiritual life, you can make shifts to help you continue to transform your life. God continues to help you become the New Creation, but this cannot be done without your participation.
Our Lenten church wide study will follow the book Soul Shift: The measure of a life transformed, by Steve DeNeff and David Drury. Small groups will be formed for deeper study and supporting fellowship as we seek to order our lives after the example of Jesus. If you want to be more like Christ, then you must enter into intentional introspection and seek those shifts in your life which bring about lasting change.
Max Lucado writes, “SoulShift guides believers to a deeper walk with God, reveals the power and richness of the transformed spirit, and show practical ways to move our souls into alignment with our heavenly Father.”
Books will be available.
Click here to catch up on SoulShift sermons you’ve missed or to listen to them again.
Soul Shift
The measure of a life transformed
Church-wide study beginning February 23
Do you sometimes find it hard to make changes in your life for God? No matter where you are in your spiritual life, you can make shifts to help you continue to transform your life. God continues to help you become the New Creation, but this cannot be done without your participation.
Our Lenten church wide study will follow the book Soul Shift: The measure of a life transformed, by Steve DeNeff and David Drury. Small groups will be formed for deeper study and supporting fellowship as we seek to order our lives after the example of Jesus. If you want to be more like Christ, then you must enter into intentional introspection and seek those shifts in your life which bring about lasting change.
Max Lucado writes, “SoulShift guides believers to a deeper walk with God, reveals the power and richness of the transformed spirit, and show practical ways to move our souls into alignment with our heavenly Father.”
Books will be available.
Click here to catch up on SoulShift sermons you’ve missed or to listen to them again.
Come and spend a weekend camping with your Church Family at Groveland Oaks in Holly, Michigan.
Our next mission opportunity at the Cass Community in Detroit is Saturday, July 26th. We will
be working in the kitchen from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Please continue to pray for the people we serve
there. Come and join us! See Sue LaRoy or Jo Campbell with any questions.
Sue LaRoy
We don’t want to miss you! We are creating a new Pictorial Directory and it will not be complete with out you in it. You can go online, sign up on Sunday morning, or call the church office to set up your time!
We don’t want to miss you! We are creating a new pictorial directory and it will not be complete without you. You can go online, sign up on Sunday after worship or call the church office to set up your appointment.
Bring your tools and come up clean our church and property for the upcoming winter months.
Our next opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. Sign –up sheets will be on the bulletin board soon for food and for volunteers to help serve.
The Hartland United Methodist Men will meet on the third Sunday of each month, at 8:00 a.m., for the monthly breakfast meeting. At this meeting they will be planning for the 2013 events.
All men and friends of Hartland United Methodist Church are invited to join in this time of good fellowship and good food while serving their church.
Your help is needed in decorating our church for the upcoming Advent and Christmas season and our anticipated visitors.
We will gather after worship on Sunday, November 24th (the Sunday before Thanksgiving) to decorate the church. We plan to have some “enhanced goodies” at the Coffee Hour, but no lunch time meal at the church. We hope to have everyone home by 1:00 p.m.
Please join us. Many hands can do marvelous things in just 60 minutes!
The Genesis Adult Fellowship Group will be holding the Annual Progressive Dinner on Saturday, December 14th. A progressive Dinner is a meal where you have the various courses at different homes.
This is a potluck meal. A sign up sheet will be posted so that folks can sign up for the part of the meal that they would like to provide.
The Genesis Adult Fellowship Group is for the adults of the Hartland United Methodist Church and provides an opportunity to fellowship with the people we sit next to on Sunday mornings.
If you have any questions, please talk to Darcie.
Everyone is invited to join us for this fun and festive evening!
All ladies of Hartland UMC are invited to join together as the 2014 Secret Angels reveal themselves. We will meet at the home of Marty Hansen for an evening of fellowship, good food and fun! If you will be attending, please R.S.V.P. to Marty.
All women are invited to join us. The Hartland UMW is a group of ladies who serve their church and community through service projects.
All women are invited to join us. The Hartland UMW is a group of ladies who serve their church and community through service projects.
Our annual ladies Advent Tea is planned for Friday, Dec. 13 from 7-9 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Join us for relaxation and reflection on the real reason for our holiday season. We will be entertained by “Just Around the Corner”. During this event we purposely slow down and take tea with our sisters, mothers, aunts, friends and church family in order to prepare our mind and spirit for the upcoming Advent season.
Please contact the church office for more information.
The Hartland United Methodist Men invite you to join them for the All Church Christmas Breakfast. Come enjoy a time of fellowship and singing of Christmas carols with your church family before the Children’s Christmas Pageant!
All Sunday School children and Youth Group students are invited to participate in this year’s Christmas pageant on Sunday, December 21, during our Worship Service.
We are looking for innovative ways to incorporate music as well as technology. If you are interested in sitting in on a practice or looking at a script to assist in this way please let us know.
The Hartland United Methodist Men will meet on the third Sunday of each month, at 8:00 a.m., for the monthly breakfast meeting. At this meeting they will be planning for the 2013 events.
All men and friends of Hartland United Methodist Church are invited to join in this time of good fellowship and good food while serving their church.
Come join together with other Christians to prepare for the Lenten Season. Beginning with Ash Wednesday, the Lenten Season is a time of self reflection on who we are in light of our need for a Savior.
Come on this spiritual journey at Hardy United Methodist Church, Wednesday, February 18, at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, February 28th, 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
First UMC of Saline
A Leadership Training will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the First UMC of Saline. A pamphlet/ registration form is posted on the hall bulletin board if you are interested in attending. There will be four specific workshops.
“Leading Revitalization by Example”
“Welcoming Visitors, Engaging Newcomers”
“Youth Ministry in the Church and at Home”
Come and enjoy some good food and entertainment. Hosted by the Hartland United Methodist Men. All proceeds will go the the Hartland UMC Emergency Fund.
The one-eighty Turnaround Church Conference is a one day teaching conference to help pastors and church leaders get started and continue transitioning their congregation through change so that the church can grow in helping people to be disciples of Jesus Christ. For more information go to:
2015 marks the 30th year of this bowl-a-thon in Livingston County, and Big Brothers Big Sisters needs your help again. 100% of the money raised by bowlers goes directly toward supporting matches and kids served by Big Brothers Big Sisters. Teams are formed with five members; each bowler is asked to bring a minimum of $60.00 in pledges.
Please sign up on the bulletin board to be a part of this fun event.
Our next opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. Sign –up sheets will be on the bulletin board soon for food and for volunteers to help serve.
Join us for breakfast, served by the United Methodist Men. Everyone is welcome!
Please join us on Saturday, May 2 at 9:00 am to get our church looking good for the summer. Please bring any tools, shovels, and equipment you may need to get the job done.
Sign up on the bulletin board to attend the Ladies Spring Tea. The cost is $25 per person. Please see Pat Harton if you have any questions.
Beginning Wednesday, May 13, 9:30 am, Pat Harton will lead a study on Christianity, Islam and other world religions.
Beginning Wednesday, May 13, 9:30 am, Pat Harton will lead a study on Christianity, Islam and other world religions.
The Hartland United Methodist Church Praise Band will present an outdoor concert (weather permitting) on the church lawn prior to the Memorial Day Parade. Come and be energized with the word of God set to music!
Beginning Wednesday, May 13, 9:30 am, Pat Harton will lead a study on Christianity, Islam and other world religions.
Beginning Wednesday, May 13, 9:30 am, Pat Harton will lead a study on Christianity, Islam and other world religions.
Beginning Wednesday, May 13, 9:30 am, Pat Harton will lead a study on Christianity, Islam and other world religions.
Beginning Wednesday, May 13, 9:30 am, Pat Harton will lead a study on Christianity, Islam and other world religions.
Date: Friday, June 19th through Sunday, June 21st
Place: Groveland Oaks Campground, Holly, Michigan Group Site #01 (Cabins also available)
Mark your calendars for this fun-filled weekend. For you non-camping folks, you are invited to join us on Saturday for fun activities, a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m., campfire, and singing in the evening. More information to follow. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you would like to attend. Cost: $29.00 per night; $27.00 per night for Seniors. See pamphlet on bulletin board for cabin rental prices.
Park info:
Wagon Master: Ron Warthman (517-546-4004)
Mission Opportunity in Appalachia
The Mission Team is planning a week long trip to Tennessee this coming June. Mountain T.O.P. (Tennessee Outreach Project) is an interdenominational, non-profit Christian Mission affiliated with the Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church, dedicated to rural life ministry in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee. They seek to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of people through the love of Christ.
There will be two opportunities to serve. One is on a team for home repair and renovation and the other is in Summer Plus – a day camp for teens consisting of different workshops allowing them to experience a Christian community. The camp dates are June 21 – 27, 2015. We will carpool and need to leave on the 20th as it is a twelve hour drive. We could return in one day depending on the needs of those going.
Information is posted on the Missions bulletin board, or contact Sue LaRoy for more information.
Beginning Wednesday, May 13, 9:30 am, Pat Harton will lead a study on Christianity, Islam and other world religions.