Read about our One Year Bible Challenge in Pastor Paul’s blog, “Bucket List for 2013 – Already?”
There are three ways to participate in reading through the Bible in one year.
- If you have an electronic device (smart phone, ipod, ipad, etc…), you can download a free Bible app called “”. Just search for “Bible” and install the free Bible app on your electronic device. Then go to reading plans and choose “The One Year Bible”. This can also be downloaded onto a windows 8 computer, at no cost. Go to and follow the directions to download to your computer.
- You can purchase through the Hartland UMC church a physical copy of The One Year Bible. The cost for this will be $11.00 per copy. If you cannot afford to purchase a Bible, just ask as there is scholarship money available for a Bible. This uses the New Living Translation, which is one of the most readable translations of the Bible on the market today.
- The final way is to simply use your own Bible and we will provide a reading plan that follows The One Year Bible, so we will all be on the same plan. The key will be for you to have a Bible that is easy to read.
We plan to have “drop-in” classes each week to review and discuss the week’s readings – watch for the schedule beginning in January.
Join us on our journey!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
The Genesis Adult Fellowship Group will be playing Crazy Bingo on Saturday, January 12th, at the home of Ron and Fran Warthman, 1497 Thorn Ridge, 517-546-4004.
Crazy Bingo works like this: Everyone attending brings a wrapped white elephant prize; when someone bingos, they select a wrapped gift and open it. After all the gifts have been unwrapped, the fun begins. When you bingo from then on, you can take whatever gift you would like!
Those who will becoming are asked to sign up on the bulletin board and to bring a snack to
share. If you have any questions, please see Fran Warthman or Darcie Westbrook.
January 6 through January 27, Pastor Paul Gruenberg will lead the Adult Class using Kay Arthur’s study, “Lord Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days”. Arthur teaches the inductive Bible study method, which begins with knowing how to mark your Bible in order to really “unlock the meaning” in the scripture. This class will provide the foundation for following studies of specific books in the Bible and increase the scriptural foundation for all of the church’s activities.
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
January 6 through January 27, Pastor Paul Gruenberg will lead the Adult Class using Kay Arthur’s study, “Lord Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days”. Arthur teaches the inductive Bible study method, which begins with knowing how to mark your Bible in order to really “unlock the meaning” in the scripture. This class will provide the foundation for following studies of specific books in the Bible and increase the scriptural foundation for all of the church’s activities.
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
January 6 through January 27, Pastor Paul Gruenberg will lead the Adult Class using Kay Arthur’s study, “Lord Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days”. Arthur teaches the inductive Bible study method, which begins with knowing how to mark your Bible in order to really “unlock the meaning” in the scripture. This class will provide the foundation for following studies of specific books in the Bible and increase the scriptural foundation for all of the church’s activities.
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Ash Wednesday Service, February 13th, will be at the All Saints Lutheran Church, on M-59. The service will begin at 7:00 p.m.
The choirs from Hartland UMC and All Saints will be joining together for this service.
Got Crafts? (or other “Stuff” to catch up on?)
Join us for W.O.W. Girls Night Out!
What: Come “Work On Whatever!”
(card making, scrapbooking, organizing photos, coupon clipping, jewelry making, knitting,
crocheting, quilting, needlework, craft items for next year’s Cookie Walk, etc.) We will
provide table space. Please bring your own crafting items and a snack to share.
When: Friday, February 15, 2013, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Where: Hartland United Methodist Church – Armstrong Hall.
Questions, see Becky Toth or Darcie Westbrook.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Our next opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, March 2nd. There will be a sign –up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
The Adult Sunday School will be discussing the History Channel’s miniseries, The Bible, during March. The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
The Adult Sunday School will be discussing the History Channel’s miniseries, The Bible, during March. The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
This is the signature fund-raiser for Livingston County’s Big Brother Big Sister program. Please support our bowlers with your pledges and prayers. Come out on Sunday to Striking Lanes and cheer on our two teams.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
The Adult Sunday School will be discussing the History Channel’s miniseries, The Bible, during March. The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
The Adult Sunday School will be discussing the History Channel’s miniseries, The Bible, during March. The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
The Adult Sunday School will be discussing the History Channel’s miniseries, The Bible, during March. The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
The Adult Sunday School will be discussing the History Channel’s miniseries, The Bible, during March. The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseries premiering Sunday, March 3rd, on the History Channel. For two hours each Sunday night viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never seen before. The final episode will air on Easter Sunday, March 31, and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Hartland U.M.C. is encouraging everyone to watch this special series. Pastor Paul will be preaching on the episodes during worship. If you do not get the History Channel, folks will be opening their doors so that you can watch with them. Or, you can just invite your friends and neighbors to come and watch with you and then come with you to church on Sunday to get a deeper understanding.
Week One: The Beginning—Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel beginning
The Exodus—Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
Week Two: The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath
The Kingdom – David, Saul and Solomon.
Week Three: The Survival— Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
The Revolution—Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter.
Week Four: The Mission—Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
The Betrayal—Last Supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
Week Five: The Passion—Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
The Courage—Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.
Be watching for more details. You won’t want to miss this event!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Our sanctuary will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. so that you may come and pray for as long you would like throughout the day. You may stay for as long as you would like. We will have prayer guides available for you to use.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, June 22nd. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.

Help the Hartland United Methodist Church Youth support Juan for the next year. Juan is a boy from Guatemala that we have been supporting for the past five years. The money that we send through Compassion International provides food, clothing, books and Christian Education for Juan, his parents, grandparents, and three siblings. We also send birthday and Christmas presents.
Menu includes: Pasta with three sauces, bread sticks, salad, and homemade chocolate chip cookies.
- Adults $10
- Children under 10 years $5
- or sponsor Juan for a month for $36
Date: June 30th lunch served at 11:15 or join us for worship service at 10:00
We look forward to serving you!
No reservations are necessary, but you can help us plan by letting us that you plan to attend and how many will be in your party using the RSVP link below. Thank you!
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Ann Arbor Districtpalooza 3 being held at the Chelsea Retirement Community, 805 W. Middle Street, Chelsea.
Come see if you can keep up with them!
Great Music and Snacks. No agenda, just fun!
If you have not been baptized or would like to reaffirm your baptism, please talk with Pastor Paul.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
Are you ready to take the next step in your faith journey – by joining the Hartland United Methodist Church? If so, please talk to Pastor Paul and plan to attend this informative class. New members will be received on Sunday, September 8th.
Join us as we begin a 40 day Church Wide Study to find the answers to the most basic questions in life everyone faces: “What am I here for?” and “What is my purpose?” To answer, says Rick Warren (author of The Purpose Driven Life), the starting place must be with God and His eternal purposes for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth. Starting Saturday, September 7th, we will have a special kick off t our 40 day Purpose Driven Life campaign beginning with Dogs and 3 more D’s. 6:00 p.m. – Hot Dogs, Dips for chips and desert for dinner. 6:30 p.m. – a message from Rich Warren to begin our 40 day journey to understanding our purpose. We will be using Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Driven Life” as our guide through this 40 day journey of discovery.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.
Drop in for informal discussion of this week’s reading from the One-Year Bible.