The women and friends of the Hartland UMC will meet on Monday,October 15th, 7:00 p.m. at the Church. Vivian Lemon and Laura Walker will provide the refreshments.
Do you feel like Mary or Martha? We will discuss Luke 10:38-42.
On the agenda: The Turkey Dinner, Cookie Walk and Craft Sale and we will have a lesson on proper use of the kitchen.
I look forward to an exciting journey.
Becky Toth
Our next opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, October 27th. There is a sign –up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
2012 Livingston County Christmas Celebration
The Annual Christmas Celebration is a day for our local families in need of
assistance to experience the loving embrace of our local churches. The celebration is a fun-filled afternoon for these families with many activities. This year will be the third year Hartland UMC has been blessed to participate in this event. What you will give is a little of your time and talents, but what you will receive is a day and a holiday season filled with joy and hope.
This is a wonderful and fulfilling opportunity to bring God’s Kingdom to our neighbors in need during the Christmas season! Please see Sue LaRoy if you have any questions.
1 Timothy 6:18—
”Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”
Our next opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, March 2nd. There will be a sign –up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
Our sanctuary will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. so that you may come and pray for as long you would like throughout the day. You may stay for as long as you would like. We will have prayer guides available for you to use.
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, June 22nd. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.

Help the Hartland United Methodist Church Youth support Juan for the next year. Juan is a boy from Guatemala that we have been supporting for the past five years. The money that we send through Compassion International provides food, clothing, books and Christian Education for Juan, his parents, grandparents, and three siblings. We also send birthday and Christmas presents.
Menu includes: Pasta with three sauces, bread sticks, salad, and homemade chocolate chip cookies.
- Adults $10
- Children under 10 years $5
- or sponsor Juan for a month for $36
Date: June 30th lunch served at 11:15 or join us for worship service at 10:00
We look forward to serving you!
No reservations are necessary, but you can help us plan by letting us that you plan to attend and how many will be in your party using the RSVP link below. Thank you!
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
We have the opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, November 16th. There will be a sign–up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
The Ann Arbor United Methodist Women’s Mission Team will meet in Armstrong Hall.
Work on Whatever Girl’s Night Out. Bring your current craft project or come and help make items to sell at our December Cookie Walk. Bring a snack to share and enjoy some time just for you!
The Spring 2014 Lay Servant (formerly Lay Speaker) Classes will be held on Saturday, March 29 and April 12, at Adrian First UMC
Members of the Choir, Master’s Minstrels and Praise Band will end the 2013-2013 year by gathering at the Red Cedar Grill, in Williamston, at 6:30 p.m. for dinner, fun and fellowship.
Come and help our Youth Group as they build a float for the Annual Hartland Memorial Day Parade at the home of Bill and Gina Palmer, Hacker Road, Howell.
Join us as we celebrate the Ten Year Anniversary of Armstrong Hall and the Double Blessings Campaign. If you will be joining us, please bring a dish to pass, your table service and a beverage.
Our next mission opportunity at the Cass Community in Detroit is Saturday, July 26th. We will
be working in the kitchen from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Please continue to pray for the people we serve
there. Come and join us! See Sue LaRoy or Jo Campbell with any questions.
Sue LaRoy
This workshop will help us learn to design meaningful worship services with the help of Dr. Marcia McFee. Please let Darcie Westbrook know if you will be attending.
Come and join your Church Family at the Rally Sunday All Church Breakfast served by our United Methodist Men. Breakfast will be served from 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. After breakfast, plan on staying for the start of our new sermon series “The Story” at 10:00 a.n. and Children’s Sunday School at 10:20 a.m.
We don’t want to miss you! We are creating a new Pictorial Directory and it will not be complete with out you in it. You can go online, sign up on Sunday morning, or call the church office to set up your time!
We don’t want to miss you! We are creating a new pictorial directory and it will not be complete without you. You can go online, sign up on Sunday after worship or call the church office to set up your appointment.
If you are a high schooler, in college, just out of college or twenty something and looking for something to do instead of just hanging out? If so, come and check out the new Young Adults group. Pizza will be furnised and we will make plans for the upcoming year.
C.R.O.P. Walks are held all across the United States to raise money for the Church World Service to provide food, medical care, disaster relief and self-help development efforts for people across the world. 25% of the money raised in our walk is given to local agencies in Livingston County: Love, INC; Salvation Army and Gleaner’s Food Bank.