The women and friends of the Hartland UMC will meet on Monday,October 15th, 7:00 p.m. at the Church. Vivian Lemon and Laura Walker will provide the refreshments.
Do you feel like Mary or Martha? We will discuss Luke 10:38-42.
On the agenda: The Turkey Dinner, Cookie Walk and Craft Sale and we will have a lesson on proper use of the kitchen.
I look forward to an exciting journey.
Becky Toth
Annual Turkey Dinner
Adults: $12.00
Children 6-12: $5.00
Children under 6: Free
Reservations: Vivian (810 629-6142 or Church Office (810) 632-7476
All profits to go to various charities—local and world wide
2012 Livingston County Christmas Celebration
The Annual Christmas Celebration is a day for our local families in need of
assistance to experience the loving embrace of our local churches. The celebration is a fun-filled afternoon for these families with many activities. This year will be the third year Hartland UMC has been blessed to participate in this event. What you will give is a little of your time and talents, but what you will receive is a day and a holiday season filled with joy and hope.
This is a wonderful and fulfilling opportunity to bring God’s Kingdom to our neighbors in need during the Christmas season! Please see Sue LaRoy if you have any questions.
1 Timothy 6:18—
”Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
The Mayan Calendar said the world would end on 12/21/2012.
Why didn’t that happen?
Join us for a 5-part series which will explore what the Bible has to say on the end times. We will answer questions like:
- Why an end?
- Do we know when?
- The timetable of last days.
- What Jesus says will happen.
- The terrible Day of the Lord.
Beginning January 13, 2013
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
Miss a Sunday? Catch up with the series here!
Ash Wednesday Service, February 13th, will be at the All Saints Lutheran Church, on M-59. The service will begin at 7:00 p.m.
The choirs from Hartland UMC and All Saints will be joining together for this service.