Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
For 2012-13 there are be two Sunday School classes:
- Preschool – First Grade
- Second Grade – Fouth Grade.
Both classes will begin after the Children’s Message during worship service and last until the service ends at 11:00 am.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
Our next opportunity to serve lunch to the Cass Community will be on Saturday, October 27th. There is a sign –up sheet on the bulletin board for food and for volunteers to help serve.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
Fall 2012 the study is Adam Hamilton’s study “Forgiveness: Finding Peace by Letting Go” which began September 9 and ends November 11. Classes consist of viewing a DVD of Hamilton’s sermon and then discussion of key points. All discussions are considered confidential.
2012 Livingston County Christmas Celebration
The Annual Christmas Celebration is a day for our local families in need of
assistance to experience the loving embrace of our local churches. The celebration is a fun-filled afternoon for these families with many activities. This year will be the third year Hartland UMC has been blessed to participate in this event. What you will give is a little of your time and talents, but what you will receive is a day and a holiday season filled with joy and hope.
This is a wonderful and fulfilling opportunity to bring God’s Kingdom to our neighbors in need during the Christmas season! Please see Sue LaRoy if you have any questions.
1 Timothy 6:18—
”Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”